So far in 2022, more than 122,000 electric cars have been sold worldwide every week. They have become so common that they rarely get our attention when we come across them.
While this may seem like enough, we still have a long way to go. There is still a lot that remains to be done and improved to successfully tackle climate change. One of the areas that have seen great improvements in regard to environmental sustainability in the last decade is motorsport. The introduction of electric vehicles in motorsport has shone more light on sustainability and created an avenue for many more eco-friendly innovations.
In this episode, the first part of two, Ed Bernardon interviews Alejandro Agag, co-founder, and CEO of Formula E Holdings Ltd. He is also the CEO of Extreme E, Chairman of Formula E, and Chairman of E1 Series. Today he’ll help us understand the vital role that motorsport is playing in promoting sustainability. Additionally, he’ll share with us the motivation behind creating the different electric racing competitions.