A few decades back, the idea of electric motor racing would have been seen as ridiculous. Fast forward to today, we have successful electric racing competitions both on water and on land.
Making such progress took a few courageous people who were willing and capable of pushing what they knew about motor racing to the edge. Today, such competitions have become a main source of innovation for technological solutions that are taking sustainable transport to the next level. Their success so far has attracted other players in the motor racing world who might have viewed electric motor racing as unviable.
In this episode, the second part of two, Ed Bernardon continues his interview with Alejandro Agag, co-founder, and CEO of Formula E Holdings Ltd. He is also the CEO of Extreme E, Chairman of Formula E, and Chairman of E1 Series. Today he’ll tell us about some of the innovative solutions that have originated from electric motor racing. Additionally, he’ll share with us what the future of motor racing will look like.