Ford Motor had four patents in cloud during Q1 2024. Ford Motor Co filed a patent for location-synchronous averaging of connected vehicle data in Q1 2024. This technology aggregates data on events occurring to multiple vehicles driving along roadways, using location coordinates to indicate conditions where event counts exceed a predefined threshold. GlobalData’s report on Ford Motor gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

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Ford Motor grant share with cloud as a theme is 50% in Q1 2024. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Recent Patents

Application: Location-synchronous averaging of connected vehicle data (Patent ID: US20240094024A1)

The patent filed by Ford Motor Co. describes a system and method for location-synchronous averaging of connected vehicle data. The system includes a data store for maintaining the data and a cloud server that aggregates the data, performs kernel density estimation to smooth neighboring event counts, and indicates locations of conditions along roadways based on predefined thresholds. The connected vehicle data can include events like wheel slip events or signals indicating changes in speed, tire pressure, or noise, with the system utilizing techniques like rasterization, binned KDE, and normalization to analyze and identify road conditions accurately.

The method outlined in the patent involves aggregating connected vehicle data, performing kernel density estimation to aggregate event counts, and identifying conditions along roadways based on predefined thresholds. The method also includes steps like receiving data from vehicles over a network, rasterizing location coordinates into a histogram, utilizing binned KDE with Gaussian kernels for aggregation, and normalizing counts into a severity index. By incorporating edge processing techniques like up-sampling GNSS information, sensor fusion, tire pressure analysis, and in-cabin sound measurements, the system aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of road conditions to enhance safety and performance for connected vehicles.

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