Rivian Automotive had 12 patents in future of work during Q1 2024. Rivian Automotive Inc’s patents filed in Q1 2024 include systems for monitoring areas for animals and activating vehicle deterrence features, controlling towing without an electrical connection, integrating disconnects within drive units, and using departure lights based on vehicle orientation. GlobalData’s report on Rivian Automotive gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

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Rivian Automotive grant share with future of work as a theme is 58% in Q1 2024. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Recent Patents

Application: System and method for campsite monitoring using vehicle sensors (Patent ID: US20240101059A1)

The patent filed by Rivian Automotive Inc. describes systems and methods for monitoring a predetermined area for animals using sensors on a vehicle. The processing circuitry is configured to detect an object approaching the area, determine if it is an animal, and activate a vehicle deterrence feature accordingly. The system includes various sensors such as RADAR, LIDAR, ultrasonic, cameras, and thermal cameras to detect objects, with the processing circuitry setting the predetermined area based on user input or vehicle access key location. It can also classify the detected animal and select an appropriate vehicle deterrence feature, such as activating lights or sounds to deter the animal.

Additionally, the system can activate different vehicle responses based on the distance of the animal from the predetermined area, select specific lights to turn on depending on the animal's location, and send notifications of approaching animals to vehicle access keys or nearby vehicles. The method involves detecting objects, determining if they are animals, and activating the vehicle deterrence feature accordingly. It also includes setting the predetermined area, classifying animals, selecting appropriate deterrence features, and sending notifications to vehicle access keys. The system can monitor the environment around the vehicle, determine the location of animals and users, assess if they are approaching each other, and send notifications to vehicle access keys if necessary.

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GlobalData Patent Analytics tracks bibliographic data, legal events data, point in time patent ownerships, and backward and forward citations from global patenting offices. Textual analysis and official patent classifications are used to group patents into key thematic areas and link them to specific companies across the world’s largest industries.